See a list of terms and descriptions D-H from the Teaching Knowledge Database

student focusing on writing


Fossilization refers to the process in which incorrect language becomes a habit and cannot easily be corrected.

Teacher and young learners talking at a table

Free practice

Free practice is a stage in a lesson where learners produce language using the target content freely.

Group of students eating pizza together


Functions refer to what items of language actually do in a real context, as opposed to what they might mean literally.


A gap-fill is a practice exercise in which learners have to replace words missing from a text.

Group of people sitting in front of a wall with lots of different icons on it


Genre is a term used to classify types of spoken or written discourse.

Two students in South Korea reading on a tablet


Gist is the general meaning or purpose of a text, either written or spoken.

Student in Vietnam listening to headphones in class

Global comprehension

Global comprehension means understanding the general meaning of what you are listening to or reading.

Two students reading texts


Glosses are summaries of the meanings of words, usually found as notes in the margin or between the lines of a text.

man giving a talk

Glottal stop

The glottal stop is a consonant sound produced when the flow of air is stopped by the glottis closing, and then released.

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