See a list of terms and descriptions Q-S from the Teaching Knowledge Database.

learners in classroom in Spain talking together

Scheme of work

A scheme of work is a plan that defines work to be done in the classroom.

Teacher in Vietnam stands in front of phonemic chart


The schwa is an unstressed vowel sound which occurs in many words of two syllables or more and in connected speech.

Students in Portugal having a drink in a cafe


A term from cognitive psychology; a script is a sequence of events and actions that are related to specific situations.

A student in Singapore looking at his work


Self-assessment is where learners assess their language proficiency, rather than a teacher doing it. 

Young learner in classroom in Sudan looking at teacher


Self-correction is when learners correct themselves instead of a teacher doing it.

Teacher in classroom in Colombia talks to students


Semantics is the study of how meaning is created by words.

Teacher in India talking to her students


To sensitise learners is to make them more sensitive to specific language or ideas before doing an activity.

Learner in Oman looking up at teacher

Sensory acuity

In a general way sensory acuity means how good your senses are at doing what they should do.

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