In this lesson, learners will be introduced to or review vocabulary for homes, rooms and furniture. They will sing a song and either invent an 'animal house' or design a poster of various animal homes. Then they will watch a grammar video and play games to focus on prepositions of place and items of furniture. Finally they will do a project inventing their ideal room or creating a class house!
To develop and practise (depending on lesson plan chosen):
- vocabulary: homes, rooms, furniture, animals
- structure: 'there's a', present simple,
- integrated skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing
Age/ Level
Aged 5-8 and 9-12 (CEFR A1-A2)
75-85 minutes (depending on lesson chosen)
- Lesson plan for ages 5-8
- Leson plan for ages 9-12
Lesson plan for ages 5-8154.71 KB
Lesson plan for ages 9-12167.02 KB
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Language Level