In this section, you will find a number of publications, webinar recordings, conference presentations and interviews, as well as video tips which have been written to help you develop your skills and knowledge as a teacher in the professional practice Using digital technologies. From advice on how to teach primary-aged students to supporting adult learners in the EFL classroom, the content you will find here is practical, insightful and full of ideas to support your teaching and planning for all kinds of learners.

Black woman sitting in front of a laptop computer

Artificial intelligence and English language teaching: Preparing for the future

How is artificial intelligence (AI) being used for English language teaching and learning (ELT/L) worldwide? What are the opportunities, issues, and challenges? Educational technology experts working with the British Council looked at the current literature and consulted a range of people to understand their views on this subject.

Language teaching experiences during Covid-19

The purpose of this research is to inform the understanding of teachers, trainers, managers and policy makers about the perceived impact of remote teaching on language teaching experiences during Covid-19.

Research and insight

Browse fascinating case studies, research papers, publications and books by researchers and ELT experts from around the world.

See our publications, research and insight