In this section, you will find a number of articles, which have been written to help you develop your skills and knowledge as a teacher in the professional practice Using digital technologies. From primary-aged students to adult learners of English, the articles you will find here are practical, insightful and full of ideas to support your teaching and planning for all kinds of classrooms.

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Blogging for ELT

This article takes a look at blogging, which is becoming increasingly popular as a language learning tool.


As more students gain access to the Internet, there is growing pressure on teachers to help their students use this valuable resource as an effective study tool.

Video and young learners 2

This second article concentrates on classroom activities. The way the video is used and the materials prepared for use with the video will depend on the role the video is to take. 

Video and young learners 1

This first article will give an introduction to some of the issues surrounding video with young learners. It will discuss the benefits but also the potential drawbacks of using video, the different roles video can take and then present criteria for selecting videos. 

Low-tech learners - resources article

Low-tech learners

Many teachers who have tried to take an English class onto the internet have often come back with a similar problem - students who are reluctant to work on computers.

ICT, vocabulary and motivation - resources article

ICT, vocabulary and motivation

These days, using information and computer technology (ICT) really motivates students. This article looks at practical examples that encourage students to develop independent learning strategies, principally in the study of vocabulary, but also for presentations and report writing. 

Using the internet 2 - resources article

Using the internet 2

In this, and an earlier article, we look at the internet and how it can be used by teachers of English as a tool for their own development and as a resource for classroom teaching.

Research and insight

Browse fascinating case studies, research papers, publications and books by researchers and ELT experts from around the world.

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