Use these videos from Susan Douglas about giving all our learners access to rich, inclusive and engaging learning opportunities.


English teaching talks – Inclusion

In this series of six short videos, Susan Douglas sets out how we can give all our learners access to rich and engaging learning and make our own contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 about Inclusion. She tells us that inclusive teachers believe that they can make a difference and that all children can learn. She highlights that inclusive behaviours come from inclusive values and it's these inclusive values that teachers can model and encourage in class. She gives practical examples to help teachers on this journey by helping you to:

  • understand and adopt the qualities of an inclusive teacher
  • think inclusively – know frameworks for thinking about inclusion
  • create inclusive learning environments
  • use inclusive pedagogies
  • use inclusive assessment.

For each video in the series, there are some questions for you to reflect on and discuss with colleagues if possible.

Pre-viewing task

Before you watch the videos, think about the question below. If you are using this resource as part of your professional development in your institution, discuss the questions below with your colleagues

  1. What do you and your school do to ensure that all children get access to rich and engaging learning?
  2. KWL: Choose one of the bullet points above. What do you Know about this topic? What do you Want to know?  After watching the videos, you can come back to this and add what you have Learnt.   


Part 1: An introduction to inclusive classroom practices

In this first video, Susan talks about why inclusion is so important to make education equally accessible for everyone.

While viewing

  • What are some of the reasons for making inclusion part of every day school policy?

Watch An introduction to inclusive classroom practices

After viewing

  • Reflect on how inclusive your current teaching context is.

Part 2: What makes an inclusive teacher?

In part two of this series, Susan discusses what makes an inclusive teacher - what beliefs an inclusive teacher has, and how they can put them into action.

Before viewing

  • What makes an inclusive teacher? What beliefs do you think an inclusive teacher has? If you can, discuss these with a colleague, or make some notes yourself.

While viewing

  • What does Susan say makes an inclusive teacher? How similar is her answer to yours?

Watch What makes an inclusive teacher?

After viewing

  • Which of the beliefs that Susan mentions do you think is most important? Why?
  • What can you do to know your learners better?

Part 3: How models of disability can help learners

In part three of this series, Susan introduces the medical and social models of disability and then applies this to practical classroom scenarios.

Before viewing

  • Do you know about the medical model and the social model of disability, and what the differences between these two models are? Discuss with a colleague if possible.

While viewing

  • What are the main differences between the medical model and social model of disability that Susan talks about?

Watch How models of disability can help learners

After viewing

  • Who can you ask for help and advice about dealing with learners who are struggling in your classes, and how can you share this advice with other colleagues?

Part 4: How to create an inclusive learning environment 

In this video, Susan talks about how participation, clarity and positivity can empower learners to develop both academically and socially.

Before viewing

  • What might be some most important elements of an inclusive learning environment? Brainstorm some ideas with your colleagues or on your own.

While viewing

  • Make a note of the tips that you think would be easy to adopt in your own classes

Watch How to create an inclusive learning environment


After viewing

  • Which of these ideas did you like best? Why? 

Part 5: How to use inclusive teaching methods

In this video, Susan shares four inclusive strategies that you can try in your classroom.

Before viewing

  • Do you ever adapt classroom activities to make sure they include as many learners as possible? Can you share a simple idea that you already use in class?

While viewing

  • What are the four inclusive pedagogies that Susan talks about? Make notes about each one.

Watch How to use inclusive teaching methods

After viewing

  • Which of the four strategies that Susan mentions are you most interested in trying with your classes? Why?

Part 6: What are examples of inclusive assessment?

In the final video in this series, Susan talks about how assessment for learning is a more inclusive method of assessing learners which focuses on development and growth.

Before viewing 

  • What type of assessments do you currently use with your learners? How inclusive would you say they are? Discuss with a colleague if you can, or make notes on your own classes.

While viewing

  • What are the main differences between summative and formative assessment?
  • What are the benefits of Afl (Assessment for learning) for learners? And for teachers?

Watch What are examples of inclusive assessment?

After viewing

  • Which of these ideas could you use with for assessing your learners?


  •  KWL: In the pre-viewing task, you chose one of the bullet points and answered the questions: What do you know about this topic? What do you want to know?  Now you have watched the video, add what you have learnt.  
  • What are you going to do differently after watching these videos?



Submitted by Sarim on Fri, 08/02/2024 - 23:04

Very useful and interactive

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