In this lesson, learners will talk about the different languages they speak, and how these can help them to improve their English.

Black female teacher talking to a diverse group of young learners in class
British Council Future of English
13 - 17

This lesson helps learners to reflect on the importance and benefits of multilingualism and how they can use the different languages they already know to help improve their English. The term other language is used in this lesson in preference to first language (L1), own language, native language or mother tongue. This is to acknowledge the diversity of linguistic profiles and backgrounds, and recognise that people can identify with, access and 'own' all of the languages they know.  

Lesson outcomes

All learners will explore the role and benefits of multilingualism and identify tips for learning new languages. They will do this through: 

  • doing a class survey of languages spoken and how they are used  
  • eeading a short text about multilingualism 
  • using translation activities to generate ideas and learn vocabulary 
  • writing and sharing tips for learning new languages  
  • reviewing their learning and recording new language from the lesson. 


  • Lesson plan
  • Student worksheet
  • Presentation
  • Extension activity


Class language survey
  • Ask the class How many languages can you say 'hello' in? Elicit answers from all learners and write the languages up on the board. Count the languages together to answer the first question on the worksheet.  
  • Highlight that these days people may be able to use different languages in different contexts. Direct learners to complete the first column with the language(s) they use for each context. Provide your own examples if needed. 
  • Learners find out which languages their classmates use for each context. Depending on the size of the group, they could ask just the people in their group, or this could be done as a mingle activity. Model an example as needed.
  • Get feedback on answers for each situation. This could be done by eliciting answers from one person in each group. Write answers on the board or a slide if available.
  • Ask learners the follow-up questions on the worksheet/slide 6 to wrap up the activity (whole class/groups). To lead into the next activity, ask if they enjoy learning new languages, eliciting reasons why/why not.
Reading: The benefits of being bilingual
  • Tell learners they will do a short reading in English about the benefits of learning different languages. Before they read, ask them what they do if they come across words in a text that they don't understand. (Suggestions on worksheet/slide 7.)  
  • Introduce the four words. In pairs learners select the correct meaning for each one. (Multilingual – A, Skill – B, Culture – A, Cognitive – A). Check answers. 
  • Highlight that translation is a common and efficient way of understanding new words as usually the concept exists in other languages. Learners check their understanding of the four words by finding out and writing the translation of each into their dominant language. They can use an online translator or dictionary for this.  
  • Direct learners to the text on the worksheet/slide 11. Learners read through, underlining any new words, then finding out their meaning. They write the new words/translations in the vocabulary box at the end of the worksheet. Ask learners for feedback, for example, How easy/challenging was it to find a translation? 
  • Learners read the text again and discuss the questions below it/on slide 12 in pairs/small groups/whole class. Ask some pairs/groups to share their opinions. 
  • Answer key: 
    • Benefits – helps communicate with different cultures, better job opportunities, improves cognitive abilities  
    • Examples for other language use – translating, putting subtitles, comparing grammar structures, generating ideas first in another language 

Teacher notes: Research is increasingly showing that languages should not be learned in isolation. Learners should be encouraged to bring their other languages into the classroom.  

Optional: Use this video to introduce/check the topic of multilingualism and its benefits. Click to watch the video 'Three surprising benefits of learning a new language' 

Productive task: Tips for learning a new language
  • Remind learners of the suggestion in the text for generating ideas first in another language.   
  • Direct learners to the images on the worksheet (and on slide 13). 
  • In pairs (with the same other language) or individually, learners come up with three more tips for learning languages in another language.  
  • They translate the tips into English using translators, dictionaries or peer or teacher support. 
  • Suggested answers: Use language-learning apps (e.g. Duolingo); Listen to music or podcasts; Watch programmes with subtitles; Play online games; Practise writing with AI chatbots; Read stories they love in another language; Use internet search engines to access information and learn new words; Record voice notes to practise pronunciation; Connect with other language learners online. 
  • Put learners into different pairs to share their tips and discuss the questions on the worksheet/slide 14.  
  • For the question 'How useful was it to think first in another language before communicating in English?' you could extend by asking them to identify how they can use this in the future (e.g. when planning essays, sending messages or doing English exams).
  • Learners complete the sentences on the worksheet/slide 15. Provide examples if needed. 
  • Direct them to the box for recording new language. They could share what they will do to remember these (i.e. add them to a word journal, review them at regular intervals, use them in a future conversation).
  • Distribute one copy of the handout to each learner. 
  • They choose a language they have learned/are learning. Ensure learners understand the questions. Provide your own examples as needed. 
  • Individually learners make notes against each question using a dominant language, then draft their paragraph in that language. 
  • Learners then translate their paragraph into English. Encourage them to use translation tools and peer or teacher support for language.  
  • To share their 'journeys' in English, they could:  
    • put them up on the wall for a gallery walk; learners walk around and read them all and guess who wrote each 'journey'
    • prepare and deliver a mini presentation to the class
    • make a short video or infographic of their 'journey' for a social media site (e.g. Tiktok/YouTube) to share with the class. Encourage them to be creative and incorporate images, infographics or music if possible.  

Alternative: The activity could be run in pairs. Learners complete their own notes and make a joint presentation/video/infographic of their language-learning journeys. 

File attachments
Lesson plan417.18 KB
Presentation10.17 MB

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