Face-to-face classroom lesson
This lesson starts with a review of food vocabulary, which can be adapted, and then learners will practise using the structure 'I like/don't like'. Learners then complete a simple survey by asking their classmates about their own food likes and dislikes. There are also several suggestions for follow-up or homework activities.
Learning outcomes
- Practise using food related vocabulary
- Ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes
- Practise speaking skills.
Online classroom lesson
In this lesson learners talk about and describe food, starting with a pre-lesson task, then they talk about what food they like and dislike. Next they think about how different food items can be categorised and how to describe them, and practise this language with a group speaking activity. Finally, they review language for face or body parts by dictating a monster and practise talking about likes and dislikes in the third person.
Learning outcomes
- Practise for vocabulary related to food
- Review vocabulary related to face/body parts
- Practise using like and don't like in the first person, third person and question form
- Consider how food can be categorised and to practise this skill
- Use personalised and creative contexts to discuss likes and dislikes.
Age/ Level
Aged 9-12 (CEFR A1-A2)
60 minutes
- F2F lesson plan
- Online lesson plan
- Presentation
In addition, for the face-to-face classroom lesson, you can use:
- flashcards of the foods you have decided to focus on, such as:
https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/flashcards/food-flashcards - a puzzle with the food words (one per learner) – optional, for follow-up/homework, such as:
http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/ - a food song – optional, for follow-up/homework, such as:
For the online classroom lesson, you will need two items of food (one you like and one you don't like) for stage 1 and paper or a mini whiteboard. The learners will also need two items of food (one they like and one they don't like).