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Drawing people and actions
To teach young learners, drawing is an essential teaching aid. I am not good at drawing actions and this video is very inspiring. I find the drawing technique used by Mr Millard easy to learn and with more practice we can master it.
How to Draw People and actions
Mr. Miller have done this expertly, i would like to watch it several times to learn and become conversant with it so that i work with it in my class though with little innovation. i really enjoyed this class.
Drawing cartoons
Drawing is great teaching aid for teachers.But most of the teachers can't use this.
For many days I wish to learn this skill.In this video Mr Paul Millard taught it exallently.Thank you sir.
I loved the way Paul Millard shows that those of us who can write will be able to draw. I just wish the video could be saved because you must pay attention to the details of his drawing technique. Astounding precision and lightness in his drawing. :D