Use this lesson plan with learners aged 13-17 to explore the issues surrounding fast fashion.

5 young people chatting
Katherine Bilsborough
13 - 17

The Climate Action in Language Education series:

This lesson is part of our series of 'Climate Action in Language Education' teaching materials. There are twelve lesson plans in the series, available for teachers of primary, secondary and adult learners of English. See the full list of lesson plans in this series.


This lesson focuses on fast fashion, presenting key data in the form of an infographic. The lesson helps learners to develop the vocabulary they need to talk about sustainability and helps them understand that there are alternatives to fast fashion.The lesson begins with a warmer to introduce the topic. This is followed by a vocabulary task, using keywords from  the infographic. Learners practise saying big numbers and statistics before they complete the infographic and discuss the ways they can change their habits in the future. The lesson finishes with a brainstorming activity in which learners find and present ideas for upcycling a T-shirt.

The lesson plan and student materials have been designed to be used in either face-to-face classrooms or remote teaching contexts.

Learning outcomes:

  • Become aware of sustainability issues
  • Review and learn vocabulary related to fast fashion
  • Practise saying big numbers and statistics
  • Promote communication and collaborative skills
  • Develop reading, speaking and visual literacy skills

Age and level:

Aged 13-17 (CEFR A2)


85 minutes. This can be done over two lessons. 


The materials can be downloaded below in PDF  and PPTX format.

  • Lesson plan for remote teaching contexts
  • Lesson plan for face-to-face classroom teaching
  • Presentation
  • Student worksheets 
Task 1: Introduction (5 minutes)
  • On the board, write Fast fashion (or share slide 2). Elicit what this means. 
  • Share slide 3 to show one definition.
Task 2: Warmer (10 mins)
  • Dictate the following questions for learners to write in their notebooks: 
  • Where can you buy fast fashion in your town?
  • What kinds of people buy fast fashion? Why?
  • What are the pros and cons of fast fashion? 
  • Where can you get clothes that aren’t fast fashion? 
  • Write questions on the board or use slide 4 for learners to check their work
Task 3: Discussion (10 mins)
  • Do a think, pair, share activity. 
  • First learners think about the questions. 
  • Then they tell each other their ideas in pairs. 
  • Then they share their ideas with the rest of the class. Appoint a spokesperson in each group to share the group’s ideas with the rest of the class.
Task 4: Vocabulary (10 mins)
  • Give out the worksheets or share slide 5. Ask learners to look at the matching activity. 
  • Read aloud the ten words. Then give learners time to do the matching activity individually or in pairs. 
  • Check the answers together. You can display slide 6. 
  • Answers: 1d, 2h, 3f, 4a, 5j, 6e, 7i, 8b, 9c, 10g
Task 5: Pronunciation (5-10 mins)
  • Write these numbers on the board or use slide 8: 90%/ 150,000,000/ 3.6/ 6,280 
  • Make sure learners know how to say each number aloud. You can display slide 9. 
  • If necessary, provide further practice by writing more numbers and nominating learners in groups to say them aloud. Give points to groups. 
  • Note: This could be the end of lesson 1.
Task 6: Infographic cloze (15 mins)
  • Give learners the infographic (or share slide 9) and ask them to read the information, ignoring the gaps. 
  • Explain the meaning of any unfamiliar words as necessary.
  • Display slide 10 or ask learners to use the Infographic worksheet. Learners complete the cloze activity in pairs or small groups, using the numbers provided. 
  • Elicit the answers or display slide 11. 
  • Answers: 1. 5; 2. 35, 3. 400; 4. 80; 5. 20; 6. 235; 7. 1.2; 8. 3,781; 9. 60; 10. 200; 11. 99; 12. 8,000; 13. 60, 000,000; 14. 2,700
Task 7: Discussion (10–15 mins)
  • Write these three discussion questions on the board (or display slide 12): 
  • How does the information make you feel? 
  • How can we change the situation? 
  • Where can we get clothes that aren’t fast fashion? 
  • Allow a few minutes’ individual thinking time before having a whole group discussion where learners share their ideas. 
  • For larger classes, divide the class into smaller groups and appoint roles, such as facilitator, who ensures everyone has the opportunity to talk, note taker and presenter. The presenter shares each group’s ideas.
Task 8: Brainstorming ideas (5–10 mins)
  • On the board write 'To upcycle' or share slide 13. 
  • Ask learners if they know what it means and how it is different from ‘recycle’. If necessary, explain that when we upcycle something, we make something new and better. 
  • Write these two discussion questions on the board or use slide 14: 
  • What do you do with your old T-shirts? 
  • How can you upcycle an old T-shirt? 
  • Organise learners into groups to brainstorm ideas. 
  • Note: If you have internet access in the classroom, learners can do a search to find ideas. Ask each group to share their ideas with the rest of the class. Then vote on the best ideas.
  • Suggested answers: 
  • You can make a new object like a bag, a hat, hair band, wrist sweat band, a pencil case, a pet blanket, or a scarf.
  • You can make another T-shirt by cutting, restyling, decorating or painting it.
Optional homework task
  • Learners upcycle an old T-shirt. Then they bring it to class and do a ‘show and tell’ presentation, explaining what steps they took to make the new product. 
  • Alternatively, they can make ‘How to’ videos or make a step-by-step ‘How to’ poster, which can form the basis of a classroom display.

Contributed by Katherine Bilsborough

Edited by Suzanne Mordue

File attachments


Submitted by VeronikaSinitskaia on Wed, 09/27/2023 - 09:57

Thank you so much for the materials! It will be very helpfull for my online speaking club!

Submitted by AngieGri on Sun, 11/13/2022 - 06:16

Hi! On the slides I see "listen and reperat" but it's not clickable and I cannot understand where to find the audio.
Could you please kindly assist.

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Mon, 11/14/2022 - 15:20

In reply to by AngieGri

Hi AngieGri

The idea is that the teacher simply reads out these numbers, and then students repeat, as a way of checking and practicing how we say them, so there is no audio file. 

Hope that helps and that you students enjoy the lesson.


TeachingEnglish Team

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/12/2022 - 20:09

Hi Rohitha,

Can you try again or perhaps see if your server has a block on downloads from the site? I have tried on two devices and can download. Hope that you can find a way to download the lesson plan and materials.


Teaching English team

Submitted by szkh on Thu, 04/21/2022 - 15:33

The teaching materials for organizing lesson plans for remote teaching contexts; face-to-face classroom teaching; remote teaching class presentation; student worksheets; answers etc. are very pragmatically presented though in the UK & USA contexts & perspectives. For the perspective of leaning English as a 2nd Language especially in a South Asian country, a former British Colony i.e. Bangladesh, a few language teaching context should be revised and teaching technics to be evolved under our socio-cultural context to make the teaching more realistic.

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