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An Interesting Video
Thank you Vikki for the useful video.
I use flash cards in different activities depending on the objectives of the lesson. I usually use them to introduce new vocabulary or to reinforce the understanding of structures through memory or identifying activities. Sometimes, I use flash cards to review previously learnt language through storytelling, games or TPR activities.
An Interesting Video
Thank you Vikki for the useful video.
I use flash cards in different activities depending on the objectives of the lesson. I usually use them to introduce new vocabulary or to reinforce the understanding of structures through memory or identifying activities. Sometimes, I use flash cards to review previously learnt language through storytelling, games or TPR activities.
A great lesson!
I like to use flashcards because the students can understand better the subject. and kids love it.
Flash |Cards
I was always loving to work with flash cards, it stimulates learning, make it more enjoyable, fun and hard to remember especially with children of young age, here i found it pleasing to integrate all am seeing about the cards in to my classroom with my students.
Thank you
using flashcards
Very good lesson. The way of using flashcards is very impressive, attractive & useful
Flashcards help us focus students' attention on the topic. Currently the teacher uses them to teach vocabulary, but I will use them in my future classes to retell the story with the help of them.