Concept checking is finding out if a learner has understood a new item. There are a variety of ways to do this, including asking concept questions.

Teacher helping secondary students working on laptops

It is especially important in inductive language teaching, where learners arrive at an understanding of rules through looking at examples of use, and the teachers may need to check that the learners have a clear understanding of the concepts presented.


Asking learners to point to someone wearing glasses to check whether they understand the item 'glasses' checks their understanding of the concept.

In the classroom
Concept checking is an important tool as it avoids asking the question, 'Do you understand?', which can be answered 'yes' without indicating true understanding. Concept questions, using realia, asking learners to repeat instructions, learners explaining meaning, and open-class questions are all ways of concept checking.

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Submitted by Ikramy Salah Atalla on Thu, 09/08/2022 - 13:24

Thanks that was great

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