‘Creativity extends right across all age-ranges, all levels of competence, all teaching contexts and all geographical regions. And it applies equally to teachers as well as learners. Creativity is a universal, though its manifestations may be specific and local.’ – Alan Maley
Do teachers need to be creative? What stops us from being creative? How can we and our students become more creative?
Watch this highly practical, interactive seminar to discover small changes that can make a big difference to creativity in the classroom. Two speaker sessions provide interesting activities and real-life examples to inspire creative teaching and learning. This is followed by a panel Q and A session with Alan Maley, Marisa Constantinides, Phuong Lee, Nik Peachey and Malu Sciamarelli.
Video 1 - Introduction from Alan Maley
Video 2 - Using technology
Video 3 - Using word games and playfulness
Video 4 - Teaching young learners through projects: using mascots to inspire
Video 5 - Using mascots outside the class
Video 6 - Using mascots inside the class
Presenters answering audience questions
Question 1: How can creativity enhance language learning for students of English for Specific Purposes?
Question 2: Do lessons taught outside the classroom environment help creativity?
Question 3: How can you help students who are nervous or reluctant about being creative?
Question 4: How can you balance error correction with encouraging students to be creative?
Follow up activities
Download the publication for free: Creativity in the English language classroom
Read extracts from the book.
Watch related webinar recordings:
- Creating creative teachers - Marisa Constantinides
- Creativity in the language classroom - Nik Peachey
See the artist illustrations by Damien Hazell in the attachments below.