About the webinar
Teachers who take up Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities are often zinging with new ideas and enthusiasm at the time. But what happens when they get back to the realities of the classroom? How much gets put into practice? And how much is misinterpreted? This webinar explores why this happens and what trainers can do to make sure teacher development, whether face-to-face or online, can keep on sparking inspiration and enabling appropriate, practical change. Five principles are suggested which CPD providers can bear in mind to ensure their sessions are relevant, understandable, retrievable, sustainable, productive and always respectful of the participants.
About the speaker
Johanna Stirling is a freelance ELT Consultant. She works primarily at NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Development) where she is a teacher, trainer and trainer trainer on face-to-face courses. She is also an online course designer, tutor and the Academic Manager of NILE Online teacher development courses. Johanna also works for Cambridge University Press as a writer and presenter, and has been involved in several British Council events. In addition she wrote and self-published the award-winning Teaching Spelling to English Language Learners. Her Spelling Blog at thespellingblog.blogspot.com will tell you much more.