Ensuring quality in English language teacher education

This is a selection of presentations made at the fifth international Teacher Educator Conference.

Fifth international Teacher Educator Conference, Hyderabad, India, 27 February to 1 March 2015

The conference sought to explore many of the threads that individually and collectively contribute towards teachers receiving a quality teacher education at the beginning of and during their teaching careers. It was an opportunity for leading academics, teachers, students, managers, teacher educators, researchers and policymakers to discuss their views on ensuring quality in teacher education through different conference channels, including a keynote address, plenaries, featured talks, panel discussions, a debate, presentations, workshops, poster presentations and informal networking. This volume aims to bring these conversations to a wider audience, along with the available session recordings

The contributions to this publication have been classified into four parts:

  • The Overview section presents two plenary talks which address themes that cover more than one sub-theme and also help set the context within which other papers can be viewed.
  • Sub-theme 1 covers policy and quality initiatives at the global, national and local levels.
  • Sub-theme 2 covers aspects of monitoring and evaluating quality.
  • Sub-theme 3 covers enhancing the quality of curriculum, materials and methods in English language teacher education.

The British Council and our conference partner, the English and Foreign Languages University Hyderabad, welcome your responses to this publication and to the ongoing development of the development, implementation and institutionalisation of quality in English language teaching and English language teacher education around the world.

This publication is available to download below


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