Revision quiz
It can be a nice idea to spend the last classes revising everything that has been covered during the year. One way to do this in a fun and student-centred way is to get the students to write questions in teams in the classes running up to the last class.
- Put the class into teams and ask them all to look back through their books, notes, vocabulary lists, etc. and to write ten questions for the other teams.
- They should make the questions challenging but not impossible and they must know the answers themselves!
- Then, in the last class, each group can read their ten questions to the other groups.
- Check the answers after each round.
Class magazine
Making a class magazine is a great way to finish a year. A good starting point is to have a lesson looking at some magazines and brainstorming all the sections that your own class magazine could have, for example music, quizzes, science and technology stories, photo stories, horoscopes, problem pages, fashion, sports, computer games reviews, and so on.
- Then the students can chose between them which ones they want to work on.
- You can have a class vote to decide on the name of the magazine and the students can spend the next three or four classes working on the material.
- Your role is mainly to supervise, monitor progress and offer help. If your students have access to computers they can do a really professional job.
- In the penultimate class the students should hand in their work to you and if you have the facilities you could photocopy it and bind it together so that on the last class all the students can have their own copy of their magazine to take home with them.
If you have a reasonably small class you could think about putting on a little play or getting the students to sing a song to end the course. It's obviously better if they have an audience, maybe another class could come and watch or you could invite the parents. Working towards some sort of performance can give the last few classes some sort of direction and purpose and you can be sure that the students will remember it for years to come.