About the webinar
Phil's webinar focuses on the following:
- What do we mean by good practice approaches to inclusion, inclusive learning and special educational needs?
- How we can we do this in our teaching and learning contexts?
- How can I cater for the diverse needs of my learners?
- What resources and support can I access?
About the speaker
Phil Dexter is the British Council UK English language Teacher Development Adviser and is responsible for development of courses and resources for primary, secondary and special educational needs for our Teaching for Success CPD framework approach and for inclusive practices in English in Education Systems.
Watch a recording of the webinar below
Certificate Inquiry
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
Do we get certificate after watching recorded webinar?
Thanks for your comment. I am afraid we don't issue certificates for our webinars, however you might be interested in taking a look at some of our teacher training courses which you can find here - https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/training-courses There are lots of options and you can obtain certificates on completion of different modules.
TE Team
Learning and practice
No learning or teaching without practice because skills need practice practice and prcatice